7-4-21 “Acknowledging Christ For Who He Really Is”

“Acknowledging Christ For Who He Really Is” (2 John 1:7-13)

i. Quick review from the last sermon (5 mins.)
I. The Truth (Alethia)
A. Biblical truth view: God created all things out of His good pleasure, reflecting His glory, and we can enjoy and glorify Him
1. We are LOVED (agape) in the TRUTH (vs. 1)
2. Jesus is the TRUTH, God’s Word (made flesh) is TRUTH
3. This TRUTH lives in us and is with us forever, the Spirit of TRUTH (vs. 2)

II. The Blessing (vs. 3)
A. Grace – God’s unmerited favor lavished upon us
B. Mercy – God withholds deserved condemnation
C. Peace – God’s peace, NOT as the world gives
III. How great is your Joy? (vs. 4)
A. Joy is supernatural fruit of the Holy Spirit – it is always God-oriented
B. Happiness is a fluctuating emotion and is not a prerequisite/requirement for joy
IV. Agape is the ultimate command (vss. 5-6)
A. Love God and love your neighbor as yourself – the two great commandments which summarize the Ten Commandments
B. Obedience is intricately linked to love, like the threads in a tapestry
I. Who is Christ Really?
A. Many deceptive and anti-Christ (non-TRUTH) views exist (vs. 7)
1. World Religions
a. Polytheism, Animism, Dualism
b. Monotheism (Judaism, Christianity, Islam)
c. Atheism, Humanism, Naturalism
2. Views of Jesus
a. good man and teacher (but NOT God)
b. bad man and liar
c. lunatic or fanatic
d. myth or exaggeration (legend)
e. a misunderstood prophet or guru (holy man)
f. Son of Man and Son of God; miracle worker; risen, ascended, coming Savior

II. Work and Rewards (vs. 8)
A. Continuing in the teaching of Christ (vs. 9)
1. It is rewarding!
a. “In keeping them there is great reward” (Psalm 19:11)
b. “I AM your shield, your very great reward” (Genesis 15:1)
c. “Great is your reward in Heaven” (Matthew 5:12)
d. “The Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do” (Ephesians 6:8)
2. Teaching about Christ (Christology) and lessons taught by Christ
a. Trinitarian (NOT Unitarian) and Fully human (NOT spiritualized)
b. Christ’s teachings on law, morality, God’s nature, salvation, end times, Himself

III. Not housing or welcoming false teachers (vss. 10-11)
A. Not the same as an unbeliever
B. Don’t welcome them – witness to them!
IV. Writing, Visiting, and Joy (vss. 12-13)
A. Correspondence (Letters, Postcards, Texts)
B. Visitation (face to face, talk on phone? zoom?)
1. completing, enhancing our joy

V. Final sharing of comments…