6-27-21 “Walking in Truth and Love”

“Walking in Truth and Love” (2 John 1:1-6)

i. Quick review from the last sermon (5 mins.)I. Read2 John 1:1-3
A. The elder (presbyteros) – one with many years, possessing wisdom
1. overseer, bishop (episkopon) – one who fulfills this task and shepherds
2. shepherd (poimen) – protector of sheep, the church is the flock
B. Chosen/Elect Lady (NIV/KJV)
1. This lady is the entire church, the children are the individual believers
2. Chosen/Elect (eklectos) – selected to be the best
a. You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9)
b. Christ chose you (John 15:16)
1. Did you choose for Christ to come and die; to be born; to follow Christ?
c. Make your calling and election sure (2 Peter 1:10)
d. Many are called, but few are chosen (Matthew 22:14)
1. What is the calling? It’s the church (ekklesia), “called out ones”
2. The calling is the method, the election is the means

Ice Breaker: Can you express a biblical truth view of life’s purpose (against a flawed world view)?
I. The Truth (Alethia)

1. We are LOVED (agape) in the TRUTH (vs. 1)
2. But what is the TRUTH?
a. Hey Pilate, you were looking Him straight in the face!!!
b. Jesus said, “I AM the way, the truth, and the life.”
1. Who is the great I AM?
3. This truth is eternal and indwelling (vs. 2)
a. it (He) lives in us
b. it’s (He’s) with us forever

II. The Blessing (vs. 3)
A. Grace – God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense, unmerited favor lavished upon us
B. Mercy – God withholds deserved condemnation
C. Peace – God’s peace, NOT as the world gives
III. How great is your Joy? (vs. 4)
A. Is there a difference between biblical joy and mere happiness?
1. Job’s praise and hope (Job 1:21; 13:15)
2. Paul and Silas in prison (Acts 16 :29)
3. Jesus rejoicing in the children (Matthew 11:25)
a. Joy is supernatural fruit of the Holy Spirit – it is always God-oriented

IV. Agape is the ultimate command (vss. 5-6)
A. Love God and love your neighbor as yourself – the two great commandments
1. Commandments 1-4 show love for God
2. Commandments 5-10 show love for neighbors
B. This command comes from the beginning, from God, from Christ
1. Why is obedience so intricately linked to love?
2. Is obedience like the threads in a tapestry, or the patches in a quilt?
a. Can the tapestry of love be seen without them?