7-11-21 “Living For the Sake of the Name”


Review of last week’s teaching:

I. Who is Christ Really?

A. Many deceptive and anti-Christ (non-TRUTH) views exist (2 John 1:7)

1. World Religions

2. Flawed views of Jesus

II. Work and Rewards (2 John 1:8)

A. Continuing in the teaching of Christ (2 John 1:9)

III. Not housing or welcoming false teachers (2 John 1:10-11)

A. Not the same as an unbeliever

B. Don’t welcome them – witness to them!

IV. Writing, Visiting, and Joy (vss.2 John 1:12-13)

A. Correspondence (Letters, Postcards, Texts) and Visitation (face to face, talk on phone? zoom?)

Living for the Sake of the Name (3 John 1:1-8)

I. Intro to 3 John (by Lee Engbretson)

II. How does John pray for Gaius?

A. for good health

B. that all may go well

1. does this depend on Gaius’ circumstances?

C. for his soul to get along well

1. Psalms of joy (Psalm 100:1-2)

2. Psalms of desperation (Psalm 69:1-3)

a. can a soul still get along well during trials?

III. Walking in the Truth

A. Walking refers to lifestyle, actions, good deeds becoming of Christlikeness

B. Truth refers to a correct view of Jesus’ personhood and his teachings

1. Jesus is the crucified and risen Lord, the gentle Healer, and the good Teacher

a. Church history note: many were martyred for their faith in the truth

b. Some gave in to emperor worship, but none ever decried, “It’s all a lie!”

C. Gaius was a faithful servant even unto strangers

1. “brothers” are part of the family of God (Matthew 19:29, Matthew 12:50)

2. where two or more are gathered, there is Jesus! (Matthew 18:20)

D. For the Sake of the Name

1. No other name than Jesus by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12)

2. God blesses the welcoming of brothers in Jesus’ name (Matthew 18:5)

E. Final thoughts and sharing…