“A Fresh Look At The Sabbath” 2-16-19

Sabbath as Rest

Tomorrow’s message is about God ‘resting’ (actually ceasing from His creation since He had put the finishing touches on it with the creation of man) on the seventh day which He declared as the Sabbath.  Certainly, He was not ‘tired’ after the six days of creation.

Over the years, I have treated Sunday as a Sabbath by attending church.  It often felt more or less that it was something that was expected or that you ‘had’ to do in order to be in “good standing” as a Christ follower.  While, I did not think of it as something “extra” for my salvation, none the less, it certainly bordered on it.

However, my view of observing the Sabbath ( Old Testament rule – Commandment #4) has changed.  You just can’t find observing the Sabbath as a New Testament requirement nor a specific day for it.  That is not to say that setting aside a day or time/s to appreciate God’s creation and to fellowship with Him and our Savior isn’t important.

So, my fresh take on the Sabbath is that it is a “principle” for our well-being in that it refreshes and renews us.  It doesn’t have to be limited to just one day a week, but that we can also create a daily schedule to ‘rest’ in Him.

After all, God did not make man for the Sabbath, but instead made the Sabbath for man.