I. Christ’s Example (2:21-25)
A. In His Steps by Sheldon spawned the WWJD movement of the 1990s (MVCA is on “WWJD Lane”)
B. No sin
C. No retaliation, no threats
D. Entrust ourselves to God
E. Live for righteousness, be healed, return to the Lord
II. In the same way let us submit to the Father’s will (3:1-14)
A. What does it mean to submit?
B. Christ at the Passover and in Gethsemane, “the Cup of Protection and the 5 th Cup ”
C. Wives to husbands and husbands to wives
a. Winning the lost by our behavior (vs. 3:1b)
1. the inner-self of a beautiful, gentle, quiet spirit (vs. 4)
D. All of us, even those suffering (vss. 3:8, 14)
a. Being harmed for doing good, while not the norm, can happen
b. That’s an opportunity to really follow Christ’s example
III. Be Prepared to share Christ with others (3:15)
A. What is your reason for hope?
B. Can you share it gently and respectfully?
IV. Remember our great Savior! (3:18-22)
A. He died for sins once for all
B. He is resurrected
C. He is ascended
V. Final thought of mine: no matter what God asks of me, or what happens to me – it will result in blessing
A. Remember Christ who prayed the Father’s will be done, and ultimately rejoiced after being crucified
B. Your final take-aways?