8-8-21 “Looking”

“Looking” (1 Peter 1:6-12)
I. Rejoicing amid grief (vss. 6-7)
A. We rejoice over all the things contained in vss. 1-5
B. The grief involves suffering and trials
1. What is suffering?
2. What are trials?
a. Isaiah says the messiah is a suffering man of sorrows and grief (Isaiah 53:3-11)
II. There is purpose in the pain (vss. 8-9)
A. Charlie Brown was right when he always exclaimed, “Good grief!”
B. It is good for faith
1. It proves it genuine, resulting in:
a. Praise – to whom?
b. Glory – to whom?
c. Honor – to whom?
2. When will this happen?
a. When Jesus is revealed
1. In his second coming
2. In identifying with his sufferings  (1 Peter 4:12-13, Romans 5:3” , Romans 8:17-18)
3. Blessed are they who believe yet see not! (vss. 8-9)
a. Where does the inexpressible and glorious joy come from?
b. What can a man give for his soul?
1. It is worth infinitely more than gold (vs.7)
2. The heavenly inheritance cannot perish (vs. 4)
III. The prophecies of old are for us! (vss. 10-12)
1. The coming of Christ
2. The coming of the Holy Spirit
IV. Application: The problem of pain diffused
A. If God is all-powerful and all-good, how can evil exist?
1. The skeptic assumes he is either one or both of these.
2. Christians know the answer lies in the definition of “good”.
a. God’s goodness is greater than just kindness
b. “No pain, no gain”
c. God disciplines us out of love
d. He is perfecting His love in us
e. Remember even Jesus willingly suffered on our behalf