5-30-21 “Living as God’s Beloved Children”


“Living as God’s Beloved Children”

1 John 3:1-24

i. Quick review from my last sermon (5 mins.):

A. Light and Darkness

1. God IS Light, and that light is:

2. The result/benefit is fellowship:

a. with God – what does this look like?

b. with one another – what does this look like?

c. and with yourself – assurance of purification by the blood of Christ Jesus

B. Dealing with Sin

1. Acknowledge it personally to yourself

2. Confess it to others (see James 5:16) and to God (see Nehemiah 1:6)

3. Jesus is our defense attorney

Let’s learn from Job’s experiences:

a. Job 9:33-34 Job longs for a mediator with God

b. Job 13:19 Job doesn’t acknowledge or understand sin

c. Job 38:2-4 God corrects Job

d. Job 42:5-6 Job finally confesses and repents

4. The Great Goal:

Sanctification, growing in holiness – God will do it! (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24)

I. God’s great love! (3:1-3:3)

A. God is love (4:16)

B. He considers us his children

1. Lavished love! (3:1)

2. We are HIS inheritance (Ephesians 1:18)

3. Lavished grace (Ephesians 1:7-8)

C. We are maturing in Christ and are destined to be like him (3:2)

1. Christ is the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15)

2. If you’ve seen Him, you’ve seen the Father! (John 14:9)

3. We too created in His image, and one day shall be again, as human beings

II. Dealing again with sin (3:4-3:15)

A. Jesus is sinless and has taken our sin away (3:5)

B. What is it to “continue in sin”?

1. If it remains a lifestyle in all its forms

2. If you promote and endorse sin

3. Sins mentioned herein:

a. breaking the law

b. not doing what is right

c. not loving others

d. murder and hate (do see the envy involved in 3:12)

C. Jesus destroyed the Devil’s work (3:8)

III. What love is (3:16-24)

A. Jesus’ example (3:16)

B. Meeting others’ needs (3:17)

C. Seen in action; NOT words only (3:18)

D. An un-condemning heart

1. at rest in His presence (3:19)

2. understanding God’s grace is greater than our sin (3:20)

3. Is your heart feeling condemned over sin of commission OR omission?