5-16-21 “Walking in the Light”


“Walking in the Light”

1 John 1:5-2:2

A. Light and Darkness

1. God IS Light, and that light is:

a. His incredible energy, power

b. His glory (the Shekinah glory in the temple, Jesus’ transfiguration)

c. Light is beautiful, perfect, calming, and can be intense

2. What does light do to darkness?

a. Share your thoughts

b. Light is the dominant one

3. Love in the Light (song by Michael W. Smith)

a. Light is God’s essence

b. Love is His character

c. What does it look like to walk in the light? …the dark?

4. The result/benefit is fellowship

a. with God – what does this look like?

b. with one another – what does this look like?

c. and with yourself – assurance of purification by the blood of Christ Jesus

B. Dealing with Sin

1. Acknowledge it personally to yourself

2. Confess it

a. to others (see James 5:16)

b. to God (see Nehemiah 1:6)

c. In what sense is our sin ONLY against God? (seePsalm 51:4)

3. Forgive yourself!

a. Why? Because God has! (memorize vs. 9!)

4. Jesus is our defense attorney

a. Read again vs. 2:1

b. Let’s learn from Job’s experiences:

1. Job 9:33-34 Job longs for a mediator with God

2.Job 13:19 Job doesn’t acknowledge or understand sin

3.Job 38:2-4 God corrects Job

4.Job 42:5-6 Job finally confesses and repents

5. What is “atonement”

a. OT sacrifices (Hebrew word “kippur”, to cover; as in Yom Kippur)

b. Jesus death was for us our permanent and final atonement

6. The Great Goal:

a. Vs. 2:1 – “not to sin”

b. Reminds us of Jesus’ words, “Go and sin no more”

c. Share thoughts on how is this possible

d. Sanctification, growing in holiness – God will do it! (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24)