“It’s Time To Step Up To The Plate” 3-6-19

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At Monday’s bible study of Genesis 19:1-36, we had a very interesting discussion comparing what was going on in the city of Sodom and what is taking place in our country today.  Neither one paints a pretty picture.  It would be difficult not to see some parallels between the two cultures.   A great deal of lamenting took place with the agreement that our country is in a downward spiral morally and spiritually.

At the conclusion of the study, one of the members made the following paraphrased statement because I cannot remember the exact words.  Basically, what was said is “We will have no impact or make a difference if what has been discussed stays within the four walls of this room.”  This was followed by an explanation of the impact that can be made by calling or writing (emails work) our local, state, and national elected officials.  ( A common rule of thumb is that for every letter/call received expressing a point of view represents maybe 50 people who aren’t voicing their opinion for whatever reason.)

The point is that we need to get off our duff and make our voices heard.  To make it easier, here is a list of our elected officials and their contact information.




President Donald J. Trump

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW

Washington, DC 20500

p: (202) 456-1111 (comments)

p: (202) 456-1414 (switchboard)

eMail: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

Federal Legislators:

Senator Steve Daines

320 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510

p: (202) 224-2651

40 2nd St East, Suite 211

(KM Building)

Kalispell, Montana 59901

p: (406) 257-3765

eMail: https://www.daines.senate.gov/connect/email-steve

Senator Jon Tester

311 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510-2604

p: (202) 224-2644

8 Third Street E

Kalispell, MT 59901

p: (406) 257-3360

eMail: https://www.tester.senate.gov/contact/

Representative Greg Gianforte

1222 Longworth HOB

Washington, DC 20515

p: (202) 225-3211

7 West 6th Avenue

Suite 3B

Helena, MT 59601

p: (406) 502-1435

eMail: https://gianforte.house.gov/contact/email

State Legislators:

Representative Greg Hertz (Speaker of the House)

PO BOX 1747

POLSON, MT 59860-1747

p: (406) 253-9505

Email: greg.hertz@mtleg.gov

Senator Albert Olszewski

PO BOX 8891

KALISPELL, MT 59904-1243

p: (406) 253-8248

Email: albert.olszewski@mtleg.gov