“The Leaky Me” 2-27-10


Image result for leaky tire

If you are like me, once in a while, I feel like a leaky tire in my spiritual journey. Just feeling a little flat with no zip or wondering why so little ‘get up and go’ for the Lord.

There are some ways that we can get ‘pumped’ back up.  First, admit that we have gone a little flat and then do something about it.  When we have a tire going flat, we try to discover the cause.  Sometimes, there is a nail or sharp object causing the problem.  Or we may find that it has just lost some air over time.  So, what do we do about it?  We may ignore it and hope that might fix itself or perhaps we can go a few more miles and then take care of it later.  Well, I never have had a tire fix itself.

So, if we are not going to ignore it, where do we go to fix it?  I don’t know about you, but I have never been able to fix it on my own.  Either I go to a gas station and use their air compressor to pump it back up or go to a tire shop and have them repair it.  By the way, temporary fixes like the stuff in a can to hopefully seal the leak just never seem to do the job or when it comes time to take the tire off the rim, you find a real mess.

You are asking, where is this post going?  We are beginning a new series, called “Unbreakable” this coming Sunday.  It is designed to “pump up”our faith.  Take a look-see in a few days on the sermon page for the first installment.

In the meantime, if you are experiencing a leak in your spiritual life, let me encourage you to talk to someone about it, attend church somewhere, get in a bible study, read God’s Word and hang around other believers.

Tomorrow’s Post – “In The Grip”

Until then, blessings and have a great day!


P.S. Have you put God’s spiritual armor on today?