“Never Give Up On Someone” 2-24-19

Image result for hopeless to hopeful

While living in Tucson, a neighborhood boy had become an alcoholic and drug user.  From time to time we would pray for his recovery, but I must confess that I pretty much gave up on him. Numerous times, he would either voluntarily or involuntarily enter a drug treatment facility.  And each time, he would come out and eventually fall back into his addiction.

The other day, Sonya and I received a letter from him.  In part, it read as follows – “Hope you are doing well.  From what I hear, you guys are doing well.  Hearing that always makes me happy.  Things are going well for me.  I have been so blessed + fortunate in the last couple of years.  God is good + I thank Him for all the positive things that happened to me. I have been clean and sober since September 4,’16. 28 months now.  Pretty cool huh? Prior to that, there was a lot of trial and error.”

As the letter went on, he said, “I got involved w/an organization that got me into a 90 day residential treatment center.  I still wasn’t convinced I wanted to quit drinking.  I stuck with it though.  Upon completion of the program I had absolutely nowhere to go. To live.  On the very last day a counselor found a place for me to go.  I wasn’t thrilled, I wanted independent living.  I had a lot of anger, anxiety, worry, stress, you name it.  Anyway this transitional home was bible based.  Well, I had never really even picked up a bible.  We went to church + had bible study.  AA, etc. at the house where I was living w/eight people, all guys.  The more I started learning a little more about the bible + I started to get more + more curious.  It was pretty cool.  I was also allowed to go to outside AA meetings.  Between both AA, church, + hanging around sober people, my life took a complete 180 degree turn around.  This time, the last time, I did it for myself, not just to appease others.”

He finished his letter by saying, “We (he and his girlfriend) are so blessed + fortunate.  God has really been great to me.  God is Good!  I got my family back (Yea!) and no-one is mad at me anymore.  It feels so great.”

A lesson learned – never, ever give up on someone – God doesn’t!
