West Shore Community Church Message Outline
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Prepared by Charles B. Lutz
Review of last week’s teaching:
I. The Living Stone
A. Jesus is the Rock – of the sanctuary/temple, of refuge, and of stumbling, the capstone and cornerstone
B. We are like living stones
1. Built into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, making spiritual sacrifices in Christ
II. Are you stumbling or falling? Repent!
“Chosen People” (1 Peter 2:9-12)
I. What about Peter, isn’t he a rock too?
1. Jesus nicknamed him “Petros”, Peter, but why? (Matthew 16:18)
2. Rock is “petra”, and Jesus said upon this “petra” He will build His church
3. What “petra” is Jesus talking about? Four interpretations:
a. Peter himself, and only himself…
b. Peter as the first pope…
c. Peter’s statement of faith concerning Jesus (Matthew 16:16) – for sure!
d. The pagan shrine at Caesarea Philippi?
1. Natural rock face with idol niches
2. “Gates of Hades/Hell” subterranean spring/cave
3. Is this a valid interpretation?
a. Consider being in the “region of Missoula”
b. and “upon this hillside” a church will be built
c. and “the ‘M’ will not overcome it”
4. A joy of Bible study is seeing how history and cultural context apply
II. A chosen people (vss. 9-10)
1. Israel (Deuteronomy 7:6)
2. Beginning with Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3)
a. The 4 promises of God to him: 1)land 2)nation 3)God’s blessing 4)blessing the nations
b. Let’s define these as we go along and are discovered in today’s passage!
3. Who is Israel? (promise of the nation)
a. Not defined by ancestry (Romans 9:6-7, 10:12-13)
b. Not limited only to Jews (Galatians 3:26-29)
c. You are! Persecuted believers are:
1. chosen!
2. a royal priesthood
3. a holy nation
4. a people belonging to God, who have received mercy
4. Why do we declare His praises?
a. called out of darkness into God’s marvelous light (promise of God’s blessing)
b. in both our worship and evangelism?
III. Strangers, aliens and witnesses in the world (vss. 11-12) (promise of the land)
1. Abraham himself (Hebrews 11:13-16)
2. Think of Joseph, the Hebrew slaves, the exiles, the Roman subjection of Israel, Jesus himself
3. Yet, we are no longer strangers to God! (Ephesians 2:19-22)
a. we are fellow citizens with God’s people
b. we are members of God’s household
4. Living a holy life makes you seem strange to unbelievers by both your upright and spiritual living
a. we are urged to win the war against temptation and sin
b. it will be a witness and bear fruit of salvations (promise of blessing the nations)
IV. Let’s sing a simple scriptural/spiritual song together in closing:
It’s your kindness that leads us to repentance, O, Lord!
Knowing that You love us no matter what we do,
Makes us want to love You too