3-10-19 Protection

3-10-19 Sermon Notes
“Protection” – Psalm 91:1-3


This is week 2 of the “Unbreakable” series.  This series is designed to remind us of God’s promises – Presence, Protection, Preservation, Persecution, and Provision.

Read Psalm 91:1-3

1 “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.


The word, ‘whoever’ refers to believers who dwell (take up permanent residence ) in the shelter of the Most High (Elyon: highest and supreme).  Here we are reminded to stay in His presence, for it is a permanent place of living.

…”will rest in the shadow of the Almighty (Shaddai: all-powerful).

Shadows by definition are a place of protection or covering.  They provide relief from the direct heat of the sun.  If the heat is severe, the shade is the place we run to.  It diminishes what we actually feel in the intensity of the heat.

When we are out in the open on a hot day, what do we look for?  If you have lived in Arizona as I did once upon a time, you probably will look for shade.  I know that I was always looking for a shady place to park my car so that it would be protected from becoming super-hot.  And of course, any thinking person would carry a sun shield to place on the inside of the windshield to keep the sun out while it was parked.

Think about this.  How close do you have to be to the object that can provide shade?  I always found that the closer I was to it, the more shade.

Verse 3 –Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.”

Some of you may have this verse translated as the hunter’s trap.  Put yourself in the place of the fowler (trapper of birds) or the hunter.  Where would most likely set your snares or traps?  If it were me, I would put them where the birds or animals would most often frequent.  And of course, I would disguise or camouflage it so that they would not have any idea that it was a trap.

So how do we avoid the traps of the evil one?  Let’s go back and look at verse one for the answer.  “Whoever dwells…..”   The more we live in His presence, the more we will be aware of the evil one’s schemes.

Concluding Remarks and Application

We may not always see it, or feel it, we might forget it’s there at times, or even wonder if God has left us to fend for ourselves in the heat of hard situations in life.  But His protection is real.  This should serve as a reminder for us, especially in the tough times that we never walk alone.  It’s a real struggle at times to keep trudging along when we feel the full heat of troubles bearing down hard and heavy on us.  Pressure and strife can seem as stifling as a hot summer afternoon sun.  Yet God whispers truth strong and sure, “Walk in my shadow, up close to my side.”  It’s in that safe space that brings confidence; for when we are resting in God’s shadow, we will never face the full heat of our difficulties.  He shelters us from that pain.  His shade, His shadow, diminishes what is actually felt in the intensity of all the heat.  Rest, peace, and calm rise up strong, right in the struggling mess of life, and we are assured, He’s in control.

Sometimes, maybe unintentionally, in the busyness or difficulties of living, we might strive to survive on our own.  We forget that what we need most, God’s protection and the comfort of His presence, are freely available to those who love Him and walk under His covering.

Note:  Let’s remember the spiritual armor that is available for us at all times! Ephesians 6:10-18

Next Week – “Preservation”