“I Was There…”
I can’t presume to fully know God’s mind, His thoughts. But from His words to His people in the Bible, I can almost imagine Him saying to us, “I was there when this United States was formed. The founders asked for my wisdom as they put together the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution. I was there, and I was the protector of George Washington and his army that cold snowy winter when all seemed lost. I was there.
I have always been there as guide and protector and giver of life in the face of death.
I am here still, watching, warning, mourning the many lives that have been ruined or lost because they refused my comfort and love.
I am here, longing for people to take my offer of peace in heart and soul.
I am waiting and holding back the destruction that is underway, as people throw intolerance and disrespect and dishonor at one another.
I feel the hopelessness, and fear and pain of the younger generation as no one gives them the tender truth and love they need to grow strong and able.
How much longer can I watch this happening? How much longer before these people that I love destroy themselves and each other, and the nation they claim to love?”
How long, Lord, until it’s too late? We pray for Your wisdom and determination to love those around us with your grace and peace. We pray for our nation, that You will intercede and bring us back to a time of respect for one another and genuine love for our neighbors, and our country.
Sonya 2019