“White As Snow” 2-26-19

Image result for snow

There has been a fair amount of snow this winter here in northwest Montana.  In fact, it is snowing as I write this.  I remember as a kid making snowmen, playing games in it (fox chasing the goose) and most of all – shoveling it.  I lived on a farm in central Wisconsin and my ‘job’ was to shovel a path through the snow from the house to the barn which by the way seemed a lot farther away from the house in the winter.  I also remember waiting in anticipation for the first snowfall of the season.  I still do for some strange reason.

You wonder, why am I writing about snow?  A couple of months ago, I happened to come across a short video of Roger Barrier (retired pastor of the church in Tucson that Sonya and I attended before moving to Montana) giving his take on snow. While he posted this at Christmas time, what he says can be applied to us as we await spring!  And take a moment to appreciate the fact that believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are washed as “white as snow.”

Isaiah 1:18 New International Version (NIV)

18 “Come now, let us settle the matter,”
    says the Lord.
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
    they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
    they shall be like wool.”

Note: Turn the sound up to hear Roger.
